OPEN MON 13/01

Pukekohe AFC offers community-level football to members from 4 years upwards in line with New Zealand Football guidelines. At a local level, we are part of the Northern Region Football (NRF) who run the competition leagues for the season. We cater for footballers of all ages and abilities and aim to better their footballing confidence and skills. Our programmes are run based on the age of the player.

We encourage the development of our coaches, as the players in their care benefit from their education. We also offer school holiday programmes and skill-specific training sessions for members during the season, like goalkeeper training.

Football by age

First Kicks (4-6 yrs)

This is the first introduction to football. Children are placed into ‘pods’ according to their age and learn football skills and physical attributes through fun game play. This age group do not travel and play at A & P Showgrounds every Saturday morning.

Fun Football (7-8 yrs)

Children are placed into school-based teams (approx. 8 players per team) and play in a Pukekohe AFC 5-a-side competition every Saturday. They learn specific technical skills in a fun, motivational environment. This age group do not travel and play at A & P Showgrounds every Saturday morning.

Junior Football (9-12 yrs)

Players trial and are placed into teams according to their ability. The teams are entered into the Auckland Football competition, and game travel is generally limited to the South Auckland area.

Youth Football (13-19 yrs)

Players trial and are placed into teams according to their ability. The teams are entered into the Auckland Football competition, and game travel is generally limited to the South Auckland area.

Senior Football (17 yrs+)

Players trial for the top teams for Men's and Women's football. The balance of competitive / social players are assigned to teams.

2025 FEES

Annual Membership Fees are set at our AGM in November of the preceding year.
The fees for the 2025 season have been set at:
Junior – First Kicks (4-6 yrs) (Born 2019-2021)*
   *Must be turning 4, on or before 31 May 2025
Junior – Fun Football (7-8 yrs) (Born 2017-2018)
Junior – Mini Football (9-12 yrs) (Born 2013-2016)
Youth – Football (13-17 yrs) (Born 2008-2012)
Youth – Football (18-19 yrs) (Born 2006-2007)*
   *The fee stays the same if anyone in this age-group plays in the Senior competition
Senior (Born 2005 or earlier)
Please pay fees via internet banking (preferred option):  Pukekohe AFC, ASB Pukekohe, 12-3023-0040770-00
To make a general enquiry – please email admin@pukekoheafc.com

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