Our Junior football programme is part of a coordinated national approach to the development of junior players. Its main aim is to provide all junior players with high quality football experiences that increase both skill levels and the passion for playing football.
Small-sided games are the focus for our Junior players. Children get more enjoyment and learn more from playing in small-sided games with simplified rules. They’re more involved and get to touch the ball more often.
Our Junior Programme is split into 3 age categories:
First Kicks is a weekly programme that operates during Term 2 and Term 3 of the school year. It is held in the Pukekohe Showgrounds on a Saturday morning between 9am – 10am. It is run by Pukekohe AFC but includes two other local clubs; Drury Football Club and Tuakau Football Club.
It operates on a POD structure. Players are placed in a POD based on their age, with between 24-30 children in each POD. There are 5 – 6 PODs each year depending on the number of players enrolled in this section. They will stay in this POD for the First Kicks season.
The sessions are run by volunteer coaches operating within the play guidelines of New Zealand Football and Northern Regional Football.
The session is divided into 10-minute slots – a 10-minute warm-up, 4 x 10-minute skill-based sessions and finishes up with a 10-minute game.
Players are provided with a POD t-shirt to wear for the season but are required to supply their own shorts, boots and socks. These uniform items can be purchased at Stirling Sports in Pukekohe. The Club also has some second-hand boots on sale down at the showgrounds each week.
In the case of wet weather, parents can call the PAFC wet weather line 0274 834 078 to confirm whether games will proceed (First Kicks and Fun Football only). A recorded message (updated by 8am on any given Saturday morning) will let you know. Please do not leave a message on this number.
Club photos are held each year as a fundraiser for the Club. Photos are taken at Massey Hall at the Pukekohe Showgrounds early in the season where Pukekohe players have their photo taken with their POD and coaches. These photos can then be purchased and are distributed at prizegiving, at the end of the season.
A sausage sizzle is held each week at the Showgrounds.
First Kicks fees for 2025 are $100
Fun Football (7-8yrs)
Fun Football is a weekly programme that operates alongside First Kicks during Term 2 and Term 3 of the school year. It is held in the Pukekohe Showgrounds on a Saturday morning between 9am – 10am. It is run by Pukekohe AFC but includes two other local clubs; Drury Football Club and Tuakau Football Club.
Fun Football introduces players to the concept of team play. Players are placed in teams of 8 players, with games being 5 a-side. Each team is coached and managed by volunteers, supported by the Club.
The teams play an in-house round robin session with 2 games each Saturday morning. Players are provided with a Fun Football t-shirt to wear for the season but are required to supply their own shorts, boots, and socks. These uniform items can be purchased at Stirling Sport in Pukekohe. The Club also has some second-hand boots on sale down at the showgrounds each week.
The Club holds an information evening prior to the season starting, where players are placed in their teams and get the opportunity to meet their coach and manager. Some Fun Football teams may train during the season, this is discussed between the coach and the team at the information evening.
In the case of wet weather, parents can call the PAFC wet weather line 0274 834 078 to confirm whether games will proceed (First Kicks and Fun Football only). A recorded message (updated by 8am on any given Saturday morning) will let you know. Please do not leave a message on this number.
Club photos are held each year as a fundraiser for the Club. Photos are taken at the Clubrooms early in the season where Pukekohe players have their photo taken with their team, coach, and manager. These photos can then be purchased and are distributed at prizegiving, at the end of the season.
Fun Football fees for 2025 are $130.
Junior Football (9-12yrs)
Junior players enter the community competition run by Northern Regional Football (NRF) during the football season of April – September. The Club holds a muster each year to encourage players to register their interest. After attending a muster, players a placed in a team of 10 players, with games being 7 a-side. These teams are coached and managed by volunteers, supported by the Club.
Players are provided with a Club uniform for the season i.e., a maroon shirt and maroon shorts but are required to supply their own boots and socks. These uniform items can be purchased at Stirling Sports in Pukekohe.
As part of the junior competitions, teams can travel across Auckland (pre-dominantly South Auckland) on a Saturday morning for games. The team’s home base is Bledisloe Park, Fields 3-5, situated on Queens Street opposite Pak n Save. Times for games vary week to week but are generally between 9am and midday with the younger teams having the earlier start times.
Club photos are held each year as a fundraiser for the Club. Photos are taken at the Clubrooms early in the season where Pukekohe players have their photo taken with their team, coach, and manager. These photos can then be purchased and are distributed at prize-giving, at the end of the season.
In the case of wet weather, the coach or manager will advise of any game cancellations.